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What is
Exam-labs is a community of IT certification exam takers committed to sharing their exam knowledge and experience with their peers, as well as those looking for free information sources to study for their IT exams. Our members share their knowledge on IT certification exams in convenient VCE files. Please note that Exam-labs is basically an information sharing platform: we do not sell software, neither do we support or troubleshoot it (keep reading to find out where you can get your VCE software). All we do is let people share their VCE uploads, download files and post their feedback.
What exactly are VCE files?
VCE (Virtual CertExam) is a file format that realistically simulates IT exam environment, allowing for the most convenient exam preparation you can get - in the convenience of your own home or on the go. If you have ever seen IT exam simulations, chances are, they were in the VCE format. For details on how to create, use and convert VCE files, please refer to the separate section below.
Who can download the files?
The files may be downloaded by individuals for their personal use - your exam preparation. This means that downloading files for commercial use/reselling is not permitted. Exam-labs reserves the right to block users suspected of reselling the files at our sole discretion.
How many files can I download per day?
Downloading is restricted to maximum 15 files per day. The limit was imposed with the goal to prevent commercial use of VCE files.
What is VCE?
VCE is a file format associated with Visual CertExam Software. This format and software are widely used for creating tests for IT certifications.
Can I purchase the software on to work with VCE files?
Unfortunately, no. Exam-labs does not sell software, neither do we support or troubleshoot it. To create and open VCE files, you will need to download and install VCE Exam Simulator on your computer.
Where do I get VCE Exam Simulator?
VCE Exam Simulator can be purchased from its developer, Please note that Exam-labs does not sell or support this software. Should you have any questions or concerns about using this product, please contact Avanset support team directly.
How are these Premium VCE files different from free files?
These VCEs have been developed by industry professionals, who have been working with IT certifications for years and have close ties with IT certification vendors and holders - with most recent exam questions and some insider information.
Of course, we're not saying that the free VCEs sent by our members aren't reliable (experience shows that they are). Yet, with everyone being able to create and send the file, you should use your critical thinking as to what you download and memorize... you know what we're saying.
How long will I receive updates for the Premium VCE File that I purchased?
Free updates are available during 30 days after you purchased Premium VCE file. After 30 days the file will become unavailable.
How many Premium VCE files can be downloaded with Unlimited Access to Exam-labs Premium files?
Any 10 Premium VCE files can be Downloaded per month if you buy Unlimited Access for any duration.
How to cancel a premium subscription?
You can cancel your subscription by clicking 'Deactivate' link in your subscription status.
Can I get refund for any month charged subscription?
No, once a card is charge for any month's Subscription No refund will be issued. For cancellation of monthly subscription please cancel it from User login 48 hours before next billing cycle to avoid any charges on your card.
How do I register with Is the registration free?
The registration and membership with Exam-labs are FREE. To register, please fill out a brief form here:
- After submitting the form, you will receive an email from [email protected] that will include your confirmation link.
- IMPORTANT: make sure your mailbox does not treat our message as spam by adding [email protected] to your contact list.
- You will need to click on the link in the confirmation email to finalize your registration process. The email usually arrives within a few minutes, you will receive the confirmation email. If you do not see it in your inbox, be sure to check your Spam or Junk folders.
- If you still can't find the email, please add [email protected] to the address book of your email account and use Forgot Password page.
Why do I need that confirmation email? Can't you just log me in?
Like many other Internet resources, we employ the 2 step registration process in order to ensure that our users are honest in providing their email information, and to prevent spam registrations. This is a necessity if we want to keep our website a clean friendly community populated by honest users, so we truly appreciate your cooperation.
I can't find an email from you. What's wrong?
If you do not see emails from us, that's most likely because they have landed to your Spam/Junk folder. Please check these folders, and once you find an email from [email protected], open it and remove the Spam label. To prevent messages from being marked as Spam in the future, add [email protected] to your email address book, so it is recognized as a trusted email.
If you need to retrieve your registration confirmation email and link to finalize your registration, please use the Forgot Password page, and we'll re-send the message to you. Before you proceed, however, make sure you have completed the previous steps so this email doesn't end up in your spam folder again.
I forgot my password. What should I do?
As simple as it gets: please use the Forgot Password page. And yes, make sure the message does not go to your Spam folder.
Where can I keep up with the news from Exam-labs?
Make sure you visit the website often to keep up with the latest VCEs that appear on, and visit our blog for IT Certification news.
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